September 30, 2009

Where in the World is V Dot? dating/relationship news to report at the moment.

Work has just been crazy, super busy. I'm currently traveling for work - just left Jamaica, headed to New Mexico tomorrow, then Mexico City, Atlanta, Montreal, NYC and back to Jamaica.

Not a lot of opportunity to date at the moment.

The cutie with the sweater is still in the picture. We haven't seen each other - he travels for work and I am right now, too, but he calls. So cute.

And an ex is really pressed to rekindle our past relationship. He's been writing everyday but I haven't had much time to do more than give him 3 sentence responses to his heart felt missives. He still wants me to travel with him. Another guy I used to date, who I couldn't travel with because of work, is actually headed back to Chicago soon (he lives out of the country).

That's what's going on.

Speak yo mind!

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